How You Play

Our games are Interactive Mysteries. You crack the case by asking questions. It’s your job to piece together the mystery by investigating players, alibis, and motives—all while concealing your own (even if you’re the culprit). Your goal is to solve the mystery and showcase your sleuthing skills!

Remember, there is EXACTLY 1 murderer and the killer does NOT know they are the killer!

  • Every guide comes with two types of information: Character Information and Secret Information. Don’t worry if you’re short on prep time or joining a game at the last minute. All of our guides come with a bullet-point summary of your most important clues.

  • When the game begins, your job is to share your Character Information with everyone! It contains information vital to solving the mystery so you should blurt it out at every opportunity!

  • Keep your Secret Information hidden unless another player asks you a direct question e.g. “do you have a gun?”. If a question prompts you to reveal one of your deepest darkest secrets, you MUST tell the truth. But you CAN give a vague answer to a vague question.